*[A Place To Be Roxy Poxy]* *[A Space for my life]*
jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010
No Other~Super Junior
'Aww! this song and video makes me fly! *O*! I honestly never thought I would be so much into them! Or that I would be back on pop! But I guess "never say never" (ew, I just realized it was a JB fras D:, LOL). They're really talented and I love them!! (also, my mom was able to guess which ones were my favourites =B!), Plus! Kpop IS the best pop!
...at moments like these~
If the day comes that I have to leave this world...
I wish to be remembered, but I don't want to be cried...
Maybe I'll allow to shed some tears, maybe just the one...
But at the end of the day I'll want everyone to remember all my happy moments...
I want everyone to know how optimistic I was even if I wasn't always happy...
Because Tears will be useless, but memories will be fulfilling...
So please, don't cry! Think I'll be in a better place...
'Cause death isn't sad! It's the beginning of another journey!
One lives, one dies...
People may be left behind,
those can miss, feel the pain the absence, but in the end...
Just smile,
Someday, tomorrow, there will be a time when you say...
Remember what we did that day??
martes, 3 de agosto de 2010
Don't get me Wrong~
When I say I would like to be like you, it doesn't mean I don't like myself...
When I say I envy your success, it doesn't mean I want to take it away from you...
What I mean is I wish I had something cool to share with you...
What I mean is I would like to be a better person as you are...
What I mean is that I admire you, and everything you've done...
I'm honest when I say "congratulations"...
But I hope I could be congratulated too...
I truly feel happy to see you have achieved your goals...
But I feel sad for me; I hadn't gotten the power to start reaching my owns...
So when I tell you "Why not me?"...
Please don't take it as "Why you?"...
I'm happy for you; you're brave, you know and fight for what you want...
So beleive when I say I'm happy...
Don't get mad if I say I envy you...
It's just that I admire you too much...
Can't you realize I just wish I was as brave and cool as you??
jueves, 29 de julio de 2010
Thinking of you...

I just hope you hadn't forgotten me yet, maybe one day we'll meet each other again...
domingo, 6 de junio de 2010
pero solo soy feliz!!! genuinamente feliz... es tan bello cuando los sueños se hacen realidad!!! *Q*!!!
*O*! Hizaki te amee!! Y Teru tu sonrisa bella!! Kamijo eres tan sexy!! Yuki... porque xuxa tiraste la baqueta justo un metro a mi izquierda?? T_T dick igual te ame tocando la batería!!! *O*!!
viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010
Funny Video !!
And I happen to love HeeChul 'cause he's cute and he's called "the diva" (and not for nothing) xD... so that goes with my personality (I mean... I like that kind of boys xD...) And I actually like him when he looks more like a girl -///-U... but that's just because he has such a strange face that he looks better with more hair sorrounding it... (?) xD Nahh, I kid HeeChul... I like him =)
PS: HeeChul is the one in the pink shirt not the other one who laughs like a dumbass... what did you think, duh!??... nahh I kid HanKyung I actually love him =B
jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010
Doki Doki Waku Waku ~ Honey Love!
Oh, and I wanted to upload this sweet candy song! It's so Japanese, so Anime, so Up-beat, so... I don't know it's just such a pretty song!! Yes, pretty. And it's Honey's song from Ouran Host Club. It's called Doki Doki Waku Waku and it doesn't make a hell of an epic song (xD)but it's a song to listen either when you're happy (it goes with the mood) or when you're sad (it lifts your mood up!) ^-^
lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010
My new Philosophy xd!
Bueno sí, era una cadena pero lo importante es la esencia xD!
jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010
Austin Scarlett's Special! (L)!
Okay, so first; look how pretty he is: *o*!

Here he is with Tim Gunn, whom I personally find adorable and a perfect gentelman. I would love him to be my design teacher. Austin looks so lovely with his angel face.

I know he doesn't do much but since the show is so great and I'm lacy enough to not want to create a whole new thing for it. xD I actually can't finf the end of it! O_O Oh the hell with that... I'm too tired to care! xD!!!
I could put the whole thing but what for... So this is all... (I finnaly yay!)
Sayonara! (Adieu!)
Panic! at the disco ~ Nine in the Afternoon
miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2010
Live Your Life Message...
martes, 2 de marzo de 2010
An Ugly Truth! =( Where did my happiness go so suddenly?
BACK HOMEEEE! {De vuelta a casa al finnn}
Oh, y tengo un proberbio. "En Chino, "Fracaso" y "Oportunidad" suenan exactamente igual". Para el que lo entienda, le cambiará la vida en cierta forma. Cualquier fallo que tengan, siempre va a presentar una oportunidad, aunque sea para aprender de la experiencia. Créditos para el Luis.
Vi el final de la primera temporada de project runway! Finalmente! Hurra!
Y descubrí que puedo verme como un chico!!! jajaja suena raro pero me gusta. Amo las cosas ambiguas (pico lo que diga mi familia ¬¬) así que si algún día me decido a adelgazar, cortarme el pelo (opcional xD) y vendarme las boobies podré hacerle cosplay a algún personaje masculino (que no sea muy hermoso si xD).
No esque tenga baja autoestima (a veces la tengo, como todo el mundo) pero realmente me considero una persona "promedio". Maldita sean todas las personas hermosas del mundo ¬¬ wuajaja qué envidiosa yo. xD Noo si iwal mientras las perosnas sexys del mundo pongan a mi disposición ocular su "sexycidad" (xD) estamos bien! =D
Ah, hablando de personas hermosas, hoy estaba viendo a Kra y salió Keiyuu y grité "enano rico, por ti me hago pedófila"... pero después me di cuenta de que es mucho mas viejo que yo... ni siquiera mayor, mas viejo. XD!! Y después pensé... "Hyde, por ti me hago asalta-tumbas" (no es que esté diciendo que Hyde sea vieejo...ahem._.!). No sé por qué pensé en Hyde, supongo que porque tiene o tenía o tendrá cuarenta. :P Otro que envejeció no sé cuándo fue Aoi-Gazetto (también está Aoi-Shota [de ayabie xd]). TREINTA!!! O_O ... Tampoco estoy al tanto de la edad de los otros, pero como me enteré de la de Aoi por su cumple me quedé completamente O_O xD
Woaa había muchas más cosas que quería contar, pero como eran todas mayormente negativas y ahora estoy tan feliz, vamos a dejarlo así, ¿ok?
Tampoco haré "Today's Section" porque salí todo el día xD! Así que... mañana será!
Sayonara! (Adieu!)
lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010
Home Sickness {Kinda for a LOL, but sad =( }
The point it's now I am in what used to be my place but I feel totally awkard and like it's not my home. Of course I always felt a little uncomfortable here, but back then I just said "I live here too, ya' know?"... Now that ship has sailed. I feel sooo sad. Honest. I feel totally depressed here. Half of the fault is because of me, I am really serius about my privacy and my space, one of the two 25%s is because there is a lot of people here, and I don't complain about that, but I can't be as free as I want... Funny, actually the ones who have to stay here because of the earthquake aren't annoying at all but the visitors are. Lucky for me they don't know about the blog or I would be dead. =S Oh, and the other 25% it's because here. there are pretty bad energies because of all that fanatic religious stuff. Seriusly!
So my soul kinda feels like falling apart, and I wanted to go so bad... But then I stare at my mom's eyes and she wanted me to stay as badly as I wanted to go so... What could I do? It's my mother, the woman who gave me life. I just nodded and said I was fine...
I know I'm probably being a drama queen, but I have been emotional since the earthquake and specially after that I feel more home-attached. And this ain't my home anymore. Just that. And I just realized that. My home now is my dad's place and I am completely happy there!! Why would I want to come here in the first place? Ah, yes family... Well I love them still, but... Just not the right roommate with my aunt and my cousin. My cousin and his wife are fine. They're very confortable people to be with... But ah... *sigh* There's nothing I can do but cry. I just feel like a tomented soul LOL. I mean, it's totally dramatic but I can't help being this way... Oh, well...
Just another night of my life.
Aw, I almost forgot. Today I received a message from Yumi and Emiru. They were worried about me and wanted to know what was going on. It made me feel pretty special, actually. The fact that they remembered me and worried about me made my heart a little warmer.
I love Emiru. And also Yumi, but Emiru is special because she's about my age and visual-fan so hurray!
I also spoke very little with Misumi. She's fine thank god and... well, that. I love her too but above all she's the only one I'd consider for a gilfriend xD.
Today's Section:
Today's Music: ~Sid's Natsukoi~Sincrea's Atla & Ciel~Maroon 5's Sunday Morning~Shwartz Stein's Addictive Epicueran~the Gazette's Burial Applicant~D's Yami Yori Kurai Doukoku No A Capella To Bara Yori Akai Jounetsu No Aria (I just Missed By the "Yori") LOL!
Today's Movies: None. Cero. Nothing.
Today's Series: Project Runway. Just That. I love Christian & Austin... Gay people are hawt. I wish I were a gay man ¬¬ (too weird? well not more weird that things that Jae and Yun say about themselves as a couple in the first couple talk)... Big Fat Lie. I wish I were a delicate bisexual man. Or at least a girl that can pass like a man easily!
Today's Wish: Well, besides from the stuff mentioned before, I want to be at my home. MY HOME!!!!
~ Sayonara! Adieu! ~
Project Runway {Best Reality Show Ever}

Awwwb! SI lo amo tanto! *o*! Además creo que si fuese actor hubiese hecho un genial Jasper en Twilight (no que Jackson Rathbone lo haya hecho mal *O* No, sir!). Recordaré hacer un especial con fotos y videos de él más tarde después de mi súper siesta! xD

I do not care for that ¬¬... Christian why do you cheat on me?? And with Heidi!? She's not even a man!!!!! Or she is... O_O?? Jaja, just kidding! Of course he ain't cheating at me... with Heidi at least... ._.
Sayonara! (Adieu!)
My Music! (XD)

Knives and Pens~Black Veil Brides
Schrei~Tokio Hotel
Choosey Lover~DBSK
The Kill~30 Seconds to Mars
No Sleep Till Brookling~Beastie Boys
Take On Me~Eve St. Jones
Time After Time~Sarah Menescal
Take on Me~Aha
Hot and Cold~Katy Perry
What I Like About you~Lillix
Somebody To Love~Queen
Smooth Criminal~Michael Jackson
So that's kind of a remix of music I like that itsn't Visual. Of course this kind of music only takes a 25% of my MP3 but still, some things are pretty memorable in here. Oh, yeah, they do not have necesarilly to be good music, but either if it's good or bad, it has to be a gift for the ears.
PS: My PC is working like shit. xD
The World Outside ~ Eyes Set To Kill
Great Band! At First I thought it was a bit "paramorish", but after listening to a few other songs I realized they were at a whole new level. So... Listen to it. This is a very soft song in comparison with the others, although I like more the others (xD). So why to put this video?? Well, there's something about what the song says that makes me feel like it's appropiate for my mood. =D
Sunday Morning ~ Maroon5
It's a great song and it always has been. But I put it here 'cause today I felt like this. Everything is not near to recover yet, but at least here somethings are normal and some people are getting back to their routine. And the goverment finally opened an account to chip in with money for help, or so I heard. Yay! People, we are comming!
domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010
Bubble Days! {Días de burbuja}
Okay, so I was reading a little bit of Alex Evan's web/blog and I thought, "hey! why don't I write a litte about myself too". Of course what he writes is the hell more drepessing and I'm half oshare xD. Also, nobody gives a damn of what I write but hundreds of people reads what he writes. Still, it's fun xD.
So today I became a little "emo". Jaja not really, it's just that I've been watching lots of emo stuff and listening to emo music wich is very similar to some visual music in some ways (specially to the Gazette's since Ruki writes such suicide-themed songs). And I've been a little depressed because of the earthquake. I'm fine and all my family and friends are too but I've gotta say it bumps me down to see the how other people got through it.
Simplemente la gente en la calle... Los saqueos... La desesperación... A veces es demasiado para un frágil corazón. Por eso rompí mi chanchito (es una expresión, mi chanchito tiene una grieta por donde se saca el dinero xD) y estamos a la espera de que se abra la cuenta de ayuda, ya que es la única forma en la que se puede ayudar. Igual trato de no deprimirme porque al menos mi vida debe seguir normal, pero parece un chiste y una desfachatez andarse riendo y feliz con tantas desgracias.
Así que ahora trato de escuchar canciones felices. Especialmente Tohoshinki ya que su mensaje de "bubglegum pop-energetic-comercial-good for girls" music debe levantarme el ánimo. Lástima que "Break Up The Shell" y "Balloons" estén separados por "Burial Aplicant"... With all that's going on, it gives me goosebumps just to listen the beginning of the song.
Bueno, a lo que da el título de la entrada...
These days have been like a bubble for me.Luckily it has been a protecting bubble,but still it feels pretty disturbing. I mean, years, decades, even centuries destroyed in seconds.I'm afraid we might not recover from this or get our lives back. It's egoist, but in my defense I think in the other people too... Demo I need to allow myself to think a little be in me too. Sorry if that's too wrong.
So, we didn't left our safe building for two days, but today Sunday we went shopping (or searching some place to shop in) and we found some good places to shop, but, since we needed lost of stuff for us and my blind aunt who had nothing, we needed a supermarket, and all of them were full. So we stopped in front of my second favorite supermarket after Jumbo; Tian-Fu, near my house. Yes, it's Chinese-Japanese-Taiwanese-Korean-who knows.
The reason I love it so much (besides from the ramen, of course) it's because they have this cute (HOT! SMEXY!) young asian cashier who stole my heart and my eyes. xD He has a cute voice BTW! I mean, apart from everything else. I recently discovered that he only covers the afternoon/evening shifts, but this was an exceptional ocasion so he was there. Lucky me! And also, I found out they had been looted the day before so at the entrance there were this asian owners or family or whatever they where standing there watching nobody robs anything. They really looked like yakuzas smoking and scrutinizing you. Well, the point one of them was young and REALLY HOT!
But I still prefer my almost teenager, quiet, sweet, and smiley cashier.
Now I'm listening to Merry Making but on Youtube so it's the PV. Funny, Miku and I are wearing the same shirt, but his looks totally new and mine you can tell I put it on every week at the second it's washed. LOL.
Hey! This actually cheered me up! Now I'm in a better mood...
So, the final point is that my bubble days will continue even though I had this short "visit to the outside", at least until the eighth of march, when classes are supossed to start, although I don't know it for sure. I love to miss classes, of course, but the situation it's just wrong. So I'm not that happy for that because I feel somehow locked inside my place. And even if I wanted to go out, everything I like to do it's messed up. I actually think I'll be relieved when classes start. At least that will be a sign of everything getting back to their place.
The most ironic thing is that I know at July I will be begging for some vacations! LOL! Well, at least I have a great deal with my dad. It's a money-grades deal. Yay!
Así que creo que subiré mucho estos días, ya que además de guitar Hero... ¿qué quieren que haga? xD! Será bonito llenar el blog antes de abandonarlo por el colegio xD! (trataré de no hacerlo, pero, hey! ¿Quién sabe cómo será el colegio este año?).
Reportando desde la Burbuja, Roxy Poxy, Out!
Sayonara! (Adieu!)
Today's Section:
Today´s Music: ~Sid's One Way~, ~Sincrea's Garasu no namida~, ~Ratatuille´s French Soundtrack~ (I know xD), ~Dbsk's Break up the shell~, D'espairs ray Forbbiden~, ~Showdown's Her name is alice~ (still waiting for the movie).
Today's Movie: ~Ratatuille~
Today's Series: None. I mean, I could say F.R.I.E.N.D.S but that's always implide. xD! Ah, yes. I forgot. The New Adventures of Old Christine. I mean. SHE IS A COMPLETE DISASTER! LOL! And i finally got my dad to get it... yay! (I've imposed him every single serie from Warner Ch. xD He loves them now).
Funny Videos xD
PD: Esta genialosísimo... xD Muy chistoso!!
Rebuild My Fate // Remake My Faith

I stood up, I see the world//What before seemed flawless now is a ruined kingdom//Please, let me know you're with me//Please, rebuild my faith, help me recover, help me create a new destiny//Can I trust you in this misery?//You've always been with me, won´t you leave??//.

Saw how I stood?//I can walk my own way,I know//It won't be easy, but my fate is not decides yet//I'll let myself cry, but I won't be weak//Tears are emotions, are OK, but I won't allow me to be afraid//Trees are down but hopes are up//Let's recover soon and fast!//.

In this jurney I have started//I can see how people suffer//I can walk on my own now//I'll help people do the same//Just gime me strengh//On my own way//Let me be part of the change//.
sábado, 27 de febrero de 2010
{Otra Oscura Noche}

Enlazando nuestros dedos en una promesa
F.R.I.E.N.D.S Info & Photos
La historia comienza con cuatro amigos (Chandler, Mónica, Phoebe y Joey) conversando en una cafetería llamada Central Perk (la que será su lugar de reunión y uno de los escenarios principales durante toda la serie). A medida que transcurre el inicio del capítulo piloto aparece el quinto personaje (Ross) y posteriormente la sexta (Rachel). Este encuentro dentro de la cafetería marca el comienzo de una comedia basada en la amistad, los triunfos y caídas, el amor, el pasado y el futuro de un grupo de amigos en la ciudad de Nueva York.
Rachel viene de abandonar en el altar al que iba a ser su esposo y ha escapado de su vida de niña rica para entrar en un mundo donde deberá hacerse cargo de su propias necesidades, buscando el apoyo de su única amiga en la ciudad, Mónica. Decide quedarse en casa de ella y comenzar una vida normal. Ross, que siempre había estado enamorado de ella encuentra una nueva oportunidad ahora después de su matrimonio fallido con una lesbiana.
Joey es un actor mujeriego (y algo tonto) carente de talento pero lleno de carisma que pasa diversas penurias tratando de alcanzar su gran oportunidad al mismo tiempo que su vida sentimental se interpone las veces en su carrera, las otras en la vida personal suya o de sus amigos. Pheobe es una masajista/cantante excéntrica que vive la vida desde otra dimensión. Ha tenido una vida trágica donde su padre las abandonó a su madre, la cual más tarde se suicidaría obligándola a vivir en la calle (todo esto antes de la época que narra Friends). Tiene una gemela que es totalmente opuesta a ella y un hermanastro que conocerá más adelante.
Monica es una chef maniática por el orden y la limpieza que busca desesperadamente un esposo y tener hijos. Lidia con su pasado como gorda, el cual regresa ocasionalmente (como cuando sale con el que solía ser el chico más popular de la escuela, Chip, o cuando hablan de los Días de Gracias anteriores). Chandler es hijo único de padres divorciados en muy malos términos. Su padre es un travesti de Las Vegas y su madre escritora de novelas eróticas, por lo que constantemente le hacen pasar vergüenzas. A pesar de su terror al compromiso y su humor sarcástico, logra enamorarse de Monica y empezar con ella una relación formal que llevará al matrimonio.
~Now on Dvd and Warner Channel~
Don't Miss It ;D

"I'll Be There For You When The Rain Stars To Fall...
I'll Be There For You Like I've Been There Before...
I'll Be There For You...
...Terremoto en Chile...

El sismo principal duró dos minutos...
{Caminos Separados}
Koukai Feeling...
Terremoto! =S
Lloro por la gente que falleció debido al sismo...
Me apeno de quienes están en el aeropuerto, o lejos de sus hogares, y rezo para que puedan volver con los suyos...
Me alegro de las personas que sobrevivieron por segundos...
Agradezco a Kami~sama por todos los que están bien, porque mi familia está a salvo y por la genteque como yo, sólo sintióun feroz movimiento sin consecuencias mayores...
{...Just a thought...}
"Puedo estar entre un mar de gente, y aún así sentirme solo" ~ Nueva Cenicienta
Luckily, I have you with me.... =)
viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010
Friendship Wa...
Sometimes you loose something that you thought was very important...
Sometimes you refuse to loose things that weren't yours from the beginning...
{I've Been Waiting Long}
Meguriaeta Kiseki...
Sometimes a glimpse is just enough...
Maybe more would be too much...
Photoshoot: Thursday Fun!
- Anime (1)
- F.R.I.E.N.D.S (3)
- Food (1)
- Friends (4)
- Japan (2)
- Korea (3)
- Life Coments (16)
- Music (5)
- Ouran Host Club (1)
- Project Runway (2)
- Series (3)
- Super Junior (3)
- Thoughts (21)
- Very Random (1)
- Yaoi and fanservice (1)
- Youtube (5)
Blog Archive
- Funny Video !!
- Doki Doki Waku Waku ~ Honey Love!
- My new Philosophy xd!
- Austin Scarlett's Special! (L)!
- Poker Night!!
- Panic! at the disco ~ Nine in the Afternoon
- Live Your Life Message...
- An Ugly Truth! =( Where did my happiness go so sud...
- BACK HOMEEEE! {De vuelta a casa al finnn}
- Home Sickness {Kinda for a LOL, but sad =( }
- Project Runway {Best Reality Show Ever}
- My Music! (XD)
- The World Outside ~ Eyes Set To Kill
- Sunday Morning ~ Maroon5
- Bubble Days! {Días de burbuja}
- Funny Videos xD
- Rebuild My Fate // Remake My Faith
- {Otra Oscura Noche}
- F.R.I.E.N.D.S Info & Photos
- F.R.I.E.N.D.S
- ...Terremoto en Chile...
- {Caminos Separados}
- Koukai Feeling...
- Terremoto! =S
- {...Just a thought...}
- Friendship Wa...
- {I've Been Waiting Long}
- Meguriaeta Kiseki...
- Youtube!
- Photoshoot: Thursday Fun!
- Simply You (L)! {Bff's}
- Onigiri! {Stylish Rice}
About Me
- Roxy Poxy
- Emm... A Weirdo But A Happy One... :P
Blog Archive
- Funny Video !!
- Doki Doki Waku Waku ~ Honey Love!
- My new Philosophy xd!
- Austin Scarlett's Special! (L)!
- Poker Night!!
- Panic! at the disco ~ Nine in the Afternoon
- Live Your Life Message...
- An Ugly Truth! =( Where did my happiness go so sud...
- BACK HOMEEEE! {De vuelta a casa al finnn}
- Home Sickness {Kinda for a LOL, but sad =( }
- Project Runway {Best Reality Show Ever}
- My Music! (XD)
- The World Outside ~ Eyes Set To Kill
- Sunday Morning ~ Maroon5
- Bubble Days! {Días de burbuja}
- Funny Videos xD
- Rebuild My Fate // Remake My Faith
- {Otra Oscura Noche}
- F.R.I.E.N.D.S Info & Photos
- F.R.I.E.N.D.S
- ...Terremoto en Chile...
- {Caminos Separados}
- Koukai Feeling...
- Terremoto! =S
- {...Just a thought...}
- Friendship Wa...
- {I've Been Waiting Long}
- Meguriaeta Kiseki...
- Youtube!
- Photoshoot: Thursday Fun!
- Simply You (L)! {Bff's}
- Onigiri! {Stylish Rice}
About Me
- Roxy Poxy
- Nyappyland, Santiago
- Emm... A Weirdo But A Happy One... :P