jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010

Austin Scarlett's Special! (L)!

Me cachis que quedé X____X subiendo tantas fotos pero valió la pena por Austin!
I absolutely had to make a special for one of the two best designers in project runway ever!!! He is so great! Since I can't have him as a boyfriend, my hopes with him is that he can design my husband's wedding dress... no... wait... what?? o///o I mean... mine. (or not...?? xD) Well, but since I'm probably not gonna get maried ever, that ship is sailed. But he will design my outfit for the oscars... I know it! xD

Okay, so first; look how pretty he is: *o*!
Awww! I just love him!! Ok, now let's look at his awesome work outside Project Runway:
I mean, Vera Wang and Donna Karen isn't gonna show anything better than these Austin Scarlett's. They can suck it xD. Okay, so now let's look at his beauty AGAIN (LOL):
So... He appeared again on the show at the fifth season as a jury in the first challenge. And he wore two impecable outfits and... he looked amazingly hot *O*... Let's some pictures of THAT xD.

Here he is with Tim Gunn, whom I personally find adorable and a perfect gentelman. I would love him to be my design teacher. Austin looks so lovely with his angel face.
No comments. *O*!
We needed to do a close-up to this beauty!! *O*! xD sorry, I just saved as much pictures as my patience would let me.
Here he is in his judge chair. OMG! That suit looks so great on him. I mean...Woooo! *O*! Thumbs Up xD.

Okay, so I didn't want any pictures of him with someone else that wasn't either related to the show or a model but I just had to say this. The guy next to him is SOOO HOT! I mean I'd give him one! Wajajaja... I'm just kidding of course. I mean... what that fuck that guy?? He doesn't look as someone in fashion bussiness. What if he's a perv? O_o!! I'll save you Austin!!
Just kidding before. So here's another picture. I like this. I think it's so glamorous.
Here with one of his models. Actually if he weren't gay they would be a very attractive couple. Anyways, I feel this is a flawless picture with flawless characters in it. xD Oh, and I am going to paste my picture in the model's face and say he's my husband. Hahaha, just kidding... I guess ._.

Finally the las picture. Just him and noone else. Yay! I love his shirt I'm going to steal it xD. Okay so now let's see some videos. This one is from PR, they had gone to a party to impress some important man of the industry, and they would be judge because of the outfit and the abillity of sell it in a party. The winner would get mentioned in this guy's column. Jay and Austin where the finalist... and let's see what happened.

These Other one is an interview.... and Well, I'm Just going to put them on here because videos can explain for themselves.

Oh my god! In the search of vids of these eye-candy (xD) I found this AWESOME show where he and Tim Gunn appeared as special gests and judges. It's about young designers and proms!! So Here is the part Austin is actually in...

I know he doesn't do much but since the show is so great and I'm lacy enough to not want to create a whole new thing for it. xD I actually can't finf the end of it! O_O Oh the hell with that... I'm too tired to care! xD!!!

I could put the whole thing but what for... So this is all... (I finnaly yay!)

Sayonara! (Adieu!)

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