martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

Perfection~Super Junior M

I have so many things to say about this video...

It's just so...! (sexy, orgasmic, shallow -yeah, lol- hot, awesome, comercial, cool)

I mean, I am so sad Hannie left and I really, really miss him (watching full house I actually wish he was back) but I couldn't have been happier when I found out Min and Hyuk where going to be in Suju-M. I mean... hello OTPs! I'm actually a little into MiXian/Qmi, but compared to KyuMin they are totally at a loss! I am actually into ZhouRi a hell lot and I don't get why the fuck they are not popular and they have to go around screwing with YeWook and HanChul... (besides KyuMin and EunHae, of course).

Anyways, now the OTPs are reunited, and I do think they'll be some more threesome action but I don't care (you know, as long as it's just PWP).

Oh, I just realized I haven't said a thing about the actual song or video...


At 0:17 there's this EunHae fanservice... There, that's about the video. LOL.

No, but they are really cool dancing together ALTHOUGH poor Henry has been diminished to being one of the three main dancers led by sexy dance machine EunHyuk. Sadly, he'll get really overshadow by the EunHae dancing duo. But good for Hae though, since he was promoted to lead dancer right next to Henry when before Henry had the main solos. Well, let's just say the three of them look sexy as hell dancing out front.

I'm not really sure who's the leader now, though... Well... Not that it trully matters xD. (I vote for Siwon, though)

About the song... It's cool... nothing too special but cool and sexy. Personally, I loved it.

And Hello cool smexy coreagraphy with awesome rape-me-now-Suju outfits!

Thumbs up for them!

(And I reaaaaaaaaally hope they go to 100% Entertainment and show Show Luo (ha) a little of that EunHae action!!)

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