Okay, so I was reading a little bit of Alex Evan's web/blog and I thought, "hey! why don't I write a litte about myself too". Of course what he writes is the hell more drepessing and I'm half oshare xD. Also, nobody gives a damn of what I write but hundreds of people reads what he writes. Still, it's fun xD.
So today I became a little "emo". Jaja not really, it's just that I've been watching lots of emo stuff and listening to emo music wich is very similar to some visual music in some ways (specially to the Gazette's since Ruki writes such suicide-themed songs). And I've been a little depressed because of the earthquake. I'm fine and all my family and friends are too but I've gotta say it bumps me down to see the how other people got through it.
Simplemente la gente en la calle... Los saqueos... La desesperación... A veces es demasiado para un frágil corazón. Por eso rompí mi chanchito (es una expresión, mi chanchito tiene una grieta por donde se saca el dinero xD) y estamos a la espera de que se abra la cuenta de ayuda, ya que es la única forma en la que se puede ayudar. Igual trato de no deprimirme porque al menos mi vida debe seguir normal, pero parece un chiste y una desfachatez andarse riendo y feliz con tantas desgracias.
Así que ahora trato de escuchar canciones felices. Especialmente Tohoshinki ya que su mensaje de "bubglegum pop-energetic-comercial-good for girls" music debe levantarme el ánimo. Lástima que "Break Up The Shell" y "Balloons" estén separados por "Burial Aplicant"... With all that's going on, it gives me goosebumps just to listen the beginning of the song.
Bueno, a lo que da el título de la entrada...
These days have been like a bubble for me.Luckily it has been a protecting bubble,but still it feels pretty disturbing. I mean, years, decades, even centuries destroyed in seconds.I'm afraid we might not recover from this or get our lives back. It's egoist, but in my defense I think in the other people too... Demo I need to allow myself to think a little be in me too. Sorry if that's too wrong.
So, we didn't left our safe building for two days, but today Sunday we went shopping (or searching some place to shop in) and we found some good places to shop, but, since we needed lost of stuff for us and my blind aunt who had nothing, we needed a supermarket, and all of them were full. So we stopped in front of my second favorite supermarket after Jumbo; Tian-Fu, near my house. Yes, it's Chinese-Japanese-Taiwanese-Korean-who knows.
The reason I love it so much (besides from the ramen, of course) it's because they have this cute (HOT! SMEXY!) young asian cashier who stole my heart and my eyes. xD He has a cute voice BTW! I mean, apart from everything else. I recently discovered that he only covers the afternoon/evening shifts, but this was an exceptional ocasion so he was there. Lucky me! And also, I found out they had been looted the day before so at the entrance there were this asian owners or family or whatever they where standing there watching nobody robs anything. They really looked like yakuzas smoking and scrutinizing you. Well, the point one of them was young and REALLY HOT!
But I still prefer my almost teenager, quiet, sweet, and smiley cashier.
Now I'm listening to Merry Making but on Youtube so it's the PV. Funny, Miku and I are wearing the same shirt, but his looks totally new and mine you can tell I put it on every week at the second it's washed. LOL.
Hey! This actually cheered me up! Now I'm in a better mood...
So, the final point is that my bubble days will continue even though I had this short "visit to the outside", at least until the eighth of march, when classes are supossed to start, although I don't know it for sure. I love to miss classes, of course, but the situation it's just wrong. So I'm not that happy for that because I feel somehow locked inside my place. And even if I wanted to go out, everything I like to do it's messed up. I actually think I'll be relieved when classes start. At least that will be a sign of everything getting back to their place.
The most ironic thing is that I know at July I will be begging for some vacations! LOL! Well, at least I have a great deal with my dad. It's a money-grades deal. Yay!
Así que creo que subiré mucho estos días, ya que además de guitar Hero... ¿qué quieren que haga? xD! Será bonito llenar el blog antes de abandonarlo por el colegio xD! (trataré de no hacerlo, pero, hey! ¿Quién sabe cómo será el colegio este año?).
Reportando desde la Burbuja, Roxy Poxy, Out!
Sayonara! (Adieu!)
Today's Section:
Today´s Music: ~Sid's One Way~, ~Sincrea's Garasu no namida~, ~Ratatuille´s French Soundtrack~ (I know xD), ~Dbsk's Break up the shell~, D'espairs ray Forbbiden~, ~Showdown's Her name is alice~ (still waiting for the movie).
Today's Movie: ~Ratatuille~
Today's Series: None. I mean, I could say F.R.I.E.N.D.S but that's always implide. xD! Ah, yes. I forgot. The New Adventures of Old Christine. I mean. SHE IS A COMPLETE DISASTER! LOL! And i finally got my dad to get it... yay! (I've imposed him every single serie from Warner Ch. xD He loves them now).